Max Hug Podcast

Listen & Grow

Max Hug Podcast

Listen & Grow

Max Hug Podcast on YouTube

Episode 1

August 2022, in a secret place, I worked with Mother Ayahuasca for the first time in this life. This first Ayahuasca ceremony was the most spiritual life experience I’ve had until then. Here is my honest and raw story. And the end of this story is the beginning of a big transformation in the following months.

Episode 2

October 2022. After my Ayahuasca journey in August, I started meditating for more than one hour daily. I followed Dr. Jeffery A. Martin’s “45 Days To Awakening”. This is a empirically-driven meditation protocol to help people transition to “Fundamental Wellbeing”. Here is how it went and how I awakened to a new life.

Episode 3

This is how Location 3, the life constantly connected to universal divine Love feels. You can listen to this and tune into the Love.

Episode 16

Ric Weinmann is the present day founder of VortexHealing®.

Ric shares his story of Awakening and the VortexHealing lineage in this episode. We discuss Nonduality, Energy Healing, Kundalini Energy, Ayahuasca and more.

Learn more on Episode 16 with Ric Weinmann

More Episodes

You can watch all episodes on YouTube in this podcast playlist.

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