Aubrey Marcus – Fit For Service Mastermind – Review

Fit For Service Mastermind Group in Sedona

Table of Contents

One year ago, I joined the Aubrey Marcus Mastermind ‘Fit For Service’. In this review, you will learn about my experience in Fit For Service (‘FFS’), the actual time and financial investment and my personal take-away. If you are from Europe sign up for our FFS Europe group.



  • A great community of 150 people who are working on themselves
  • Transformation and integration through weekly challenges and accountability
  • Mindblowing weekend summits including deeply transformative workshops


  • High financial investment (For 2020 a total between $ 20,000 and $ 30,000)
  • Organization and responsiveness could be improved
  • ‘Financially Fit’ in the 2019 class was poorly addressed

Fit For Service – Video Review

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The Pitch

The strongest purpose in life is to be of service to those you love, yourself included. But to be of service, you must be fit for service. This means fit in mind, body and spirit. In order to do that we will focus on four things – health, wealth, clarity, and healing.

Fit For Service 2019 Website

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My Experience

Instagram Community & Weekly Challenges

A private Instagram account is the main communication channel with daily video posts from either Aubrey Marcus, Kyle Kingsbury, Caitlin Howe or Erick Godsey.

Every Monday we got a weekly challenge aligned with the theme of the quarter: Physically Fit, Mentally Fit, Emotionally Fit, Spiritually Fit.

Example Challenges:

  • Physical: Take a cold shower every day for 7 days straight.
  • Mental: Take a 24-hour digital media fast.
  • Emotional: Bring one of your close relationships to 100% truth.
  • Spiritual: Write down the persona you are here on the world to serve.

A lot of the challenges were actually really challenging. Often FFS members posted the challenges on Instagram and shared their progress. That was really motivating and helped me to actually do most of the challenges.

Here are all the 52 challenges we did in 2019.


This was probably the most mindblowing and transformative part for me. At the end of each quarter, there was a weekend summit. In 2019 the locations were:

  • Austin, Texas, USA
  • Tulum, Mexico
  • Sedona, Arizona, USA
  • Malibu, California, USA

During the summits, we attended workshops and talks. Most importantly we connected with each other in person.

Two workshops that were really transformational: An ecstatic dance session led by Aubrey in the Onnit Gym and a shamanic breathwork session with a local Shaman in Sedona.

I only attended the summits in Austin and Sedona as I did not realize upfront how much financial and time investment it would be to attend all four summits.

Time & Money Investment


The pricing and number of summits for the 2020 class of Fit For Service slightly changed. In 2020 there will be three 4-day summits and three 2-day meetups. Here is my calculation for those who want to join in 2020.

  • Tuition for 2020 = $ 12,500
  • Addtional: Attending all summits & meetups
    • For US residents = $ 7,000 – $ 10,000
    • For EU residents = $ 12,500 – $ 17,500

I would not join FFS if you can’t make it to at least 4 of the 6 events in 2020.


Plan at least 1 hour a day to do the challenges and connect with people on Instagram and WhatsApp. At the summits, a lot of FFS members stay some days more for inofficial events and traveling. After a summit, I would also plan to block 2 – 3 days for integration.

This Post Has 4 Comments


    Thank you for this honest review of what type of commitment financially and time it would take to do FFS.

  2. Brandon Brooks

    Where in sedona was the camp ?

    1. Max Hug

      Which camp do you mean?

  3. Nolan John

    Hi Max!
    Where exactly is the Sedona resort?
    The one featured in the main presentation video.
    Is it rentable or owned by Marcus?

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